Best Similarweb Alternatives & Competitors for 2023

Discover Similarweb alternatives and competitors worth considering. Is Similarweb the right Marketing tool for your business? See how it compares with others below...

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Cronycle is an all-in-one market intelligence platform for harvesting, sharing, and publishing insights. We empower market research, content marketing, product innovation, and sales enablement teams to discover and produce more high-value insights in less time and with fewer resources. Cronycle’s discovery engine combines the powers of AI and human expertise to monitor content from top experts and sources across 80,000+ topics every day, surfacing the most relevant 2% of information from websites and blogs, Google News alerts, Medium publications, RSS feeds, podcasts, Twitter and Facebook pages, email alerts, newsletters, and more. With Cronycle, you’ll stay ahead of developments and trends, establish a common braintrust, improve the flow of insights, and lead the market.
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Curata provides two software solutions that have helped 1000s of marketers over the past 10 years to grow leads and revenue with content: Curata CMP (Content Marketing Platform) and Curata CCS (Content Curation Software). Curata CMP includes strategy, production and analytics modules that enables you to: Analyze marketing and sales pipeline impact Streamline your content production process Build a predictable content supply chain With Curata CCS, you can tap into the power of curated content in addition to creating original content to boost lead generation, be a thought leader and publish consistently. Curata CCS enables you to: Discover the best content with our self-learning engine Easily organize and contextualize with just a few clicks Publish and promote your content anytime and anywhere
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The basics of digital marketing aren’t that complicated. Consumers want to interact with brands they can trust. Brands want to earn consumers’ trust. But when a brand is distributed across various marketing channels, websites, and pages, that trust can be tough to establish. That’s where we come in. We give brands the tools to see how they’re represented online and take action on what matters to them. The result: more consistent, effective and compliant marketing that promotes consumer trust.
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