Data Privacy
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Last Updated:
December 30, 2022
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Transcend is the privacy platform that makes it easy to encode privacy across your tech stack. From data discovery to universal opt-outs, we help leading brands easily handle today's privacy projects and rest easy for whatever lies ahead. Trusted by top brands like Groupon, Affirm, Robinhood and Clubhouse, Transcend offers a variety of solutions for your privacy needs: Transcend Data Mapping offers silo discovery, data classification, and ROPA compliance reporting. It is the only solution that ensures the systems discovered in your data map are comprehensively included in user deletion, access or modification requests. Transcend Privacy Requests is the easiest and most comprehensive way to delete, return, or modify a person's data or preferences across your tech stack. Transcend Consent is the only solution that governs both client-side and backend user consent for complete compliance, with custom consent experiences for any region, device, or domain. Transcend Assessments mitigates data processing risks with smarter, collaborative Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) and Transfer Impact Assessment (TIAs) management, directly embedded into your data map.

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